Physical Therapy:
Sonshine Therapy’s pediatric physical therapists are movement experts who work with children with various musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. They identify, diagnose, and treat movement impairments in infants, children, and teens! The therapy techniques used by our top quality therapists will significantly improve the quality of your child’s life, and lead to a happier home life for your entire family!
To help children attain their full physical potential, we use a variety of individualized strategies designed to make treatment enjoyable and efficient! Physical therapy for children leads to greater independence in the family, school, and community!
After completing your child’s one-on-one initial evaluation with you and your child, our therapists will use their knowledge and skill to develop a step-by-step manageable plan for your child to take each, individual step required to meet all of their goals.
Some areas of Physical Therapists target in therapy may include:
- Gross Motor Skill Progression
- Coordination And Motor Control
- Balance And Postural Control
- Strength And Endurance
- Gait Training And Mobility
- Torticollis And Plagiocephaly
- Pain Management
- Posture And Positioning
- Range Of Motion
- Seating, Equipment, And Orthotic Consultation

Speech Therapy
Children with speech, language, fluency, or voice disorders will develop excellent communication skills with the help of our talented speech therapists! Sonshine Therapy has a team of experienced speech-language pathologists with a variety of specialties to assist with every type of communication disorder!
Our speech-language pathologists have over twenty years of combined experience evaluating, diagnosing, and treating children with speech, language, cognitive and social disabilities. We work with children and their families one-on-one to help them improve their oral and written language skills! With therapy, your child will communicate better at home, at school, in the community, and all aspects of their lives!
Our speech and language therapist will target disorders such as:
- Pragmatic Language
- Fluency (Stuttering)
- Auditory Processing Disorders
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Voice Disorders
- Cognitive Deficits
- Expressive And Receptive Language
- Articulation or Phonological Delays
- Memory And Cognition
- Oral Motor Skills
- Social Language
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC–Computerized Talking Devices including Eye Gaze Technology)
Occupational Therapy
Our occupational therapy team focuses on assisting children in developing the competence required for the many “occupations” of early life, including play, daily self-care, learning, academic performance, social skills, and communication. Our therapy sessions focus on establishing the well balanced sensory and motor foundation your child needs to continue to develop more advanced life skills. Our OT’s will also teach compensatory strategies, and adaptations as need for every child to participate fully in all aspects of daily life!
We offer intervention in the following areas:
- Fine Motor Skills
- Handwriting Skills
- Sensory Processing
- Motor Planning
- Visual-Motor Skills
- Visual Perceptual Skills
- Self-Care Skills
- Teacher Consultation
- Parent Education
- Bilateral Motor Coordination
- Strength and Coordination
- Organization and Behavior
- Socialization and Games
- Environmental Adaptations

Feeding Therapy
Feeding therapy highlights the necessity of a systematic, multidisciplinary approach for all types of feeding disabilities for infants, children, and teens. We create customized treatment plans and provide weekly step-by-step home plans that will help your family carry over what your child is learning to the home environment. We will help you determine what modifications and strategies will help to greatly reduce, and element meal time battles!
Our highly skilled occupational and speech therapists conduct feeding evaluations by a thorough review of your child’s medical history, reports from other healthcare specialists (such as your child’s pediatrician, hospital based speech-language pathologist, Otolaryngologist, and Gastroenterolgists), and parent concerns. The therapist works collaboratively with the child and the family to evaluate and address all the factors involved in eating including sensory aversions, fine motor deficits that make self-feeding difficult, fatigue, attention issues, cognitive deficits, tongue ties, and weak/unorganized chewing.
Sonshine Therapy caters to children with various medical diagnoses, including Autism, Tongue Tie, GERD, cardiac, Failure To Thrive, pulmonary disorders, cleft lip-palate, breastfeeding concerns, sensory-based feeding disorders, oral motor delays, and other contributing factors that may need therapeutic intervention.
Sonshine provides services at local daycares and some private schools to make therapy more accessible for families. We currently partner with Victoria’s Learning Academy, AJ Ward, Greenbriar Children’s Center and Windy’s Preschool. We offer free community screeners for children that might qualify for Speech, OT, and PT. Please reach out to our community director, with any questions.